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iCACGP Secretery | |
European Commission, & Joint Research Centre | |
Institute for Environment and Sustainability | |
I . 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy | |
1971-1977: Primary education at Willibrordusschool, Lage Zwaluwe, NL
1977-1983: Secondary education in Breda (NL) at the .Stedelijk Gymnasium..
1983-1988: University study on Chemical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). M.Sc. thesis: .The determination of dry deposition of SO2 with aircraft measurements..
1989-1993: Ph.D. Thesis with Nobel Prize laureate Professor Paul Crutzen at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany. Ph.D topic: .Heterogeneous chemistry in the troposphere.. Ph.D. degree at the department of Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, with Prof. Peter Builtjes and Prof. Paul Crutzen as Ph.D. advisors.
Career development:1988-1989: Research position at Geosens B.V (NL) on a project involving the measurements of cloud water composition and chemical transformations in clouds.
1989-1993: Ph.D. scholarship at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
1993: Short post-doctoral position in 1993 with Professor Greg Carmichael of the University of Iowa, on leave from MPI Mainz.
1994-1996: University lecturer position at Wageningen Agricultural University, department of Air Quality, NL.
1996-2000: Assistant Professor at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research of Utrecht University, NL (IMAU) (with Prof. J. Lelieveld). Responsible for teaching Atmospheric Chemistry Courses and Computer Modelling to undergraduate students, and supervision of 5 Ph.D. students (.co-promotor.).
September 2002-December 2008: project- and action leader, responsible for the co-ordination of scientific activities of the Climate Change Unit. Responsible for development and monitoring projects on regional and global air pollution and climate change, ensure sound science and policy basis for these projects, and develop and maintain contacts with the scientific community, and supervision of Ph.D. students and Post-Docs.
January 2009-June 2009: Acting Head of Climate Change Unit- responsible for 45 people.
December 2009-June 2010: Sabbatical at Department of Meteorology and Air quality Wageningen University.
2000-now: Research scientist with the Climate Change Unit of the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy, working on global-regional scale modelling of air pollution and climate issues.
Educational:Lecturer at Wageningen University (1993-1995), and Utrecht University (1995-2000)
Lecturer at several summer schools (South Africa, Italy)
Ph.D. supervisor (.co-promotor.of 5 Ph.D. students), opponent on numerous other Ph.D. defences and habilitations.
Current Research:Current research focuses on global and regional photochemical and aerosol processes, air pollution and climate, the nitrogen cycle, and their interaction and representation in global atmospheric models. Model results are used to design optimized policy strategies to reduce both the emissions of climate gases and air pollution.
Projects:1993-2000: Participant in EC Shared Cost Actions SINDICAT, TROTREP, MINATROC and Principal investigator of MODAC.
2001-2005 Principal Investigator and vice-coordinator of .PHOENICS.; modelling and measurements of aerosol processes and radiative forcing.
2005-2008 Principal Investigator of MAP: modelling of marine aerosol and GAINS: trade-offs of greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions in Asia.
2006-2010 Scientific coordinator of modelling activities in the frame of the Task Force Hemispheric Transport of air pollution.
Awards (International Commissions and Prizes):1988: Second Prize .Environmental Technology. of the Royal Dutch Institute of Engineers (KIVI) for M.Sc. thesis.
1999-2001: Lead author on IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report on ¡Aviation and the global atmosphere¢ (1999), and the IPCC Third assessment Report (2001). Contributing author on the IPCC-AR4 report (2007)
2001-now: Associated editor of the journal ¡Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics¢.
2002-now: Member of the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP/IUPAC).
2002: Thomas Kuhn prize from the International Air pollution Prevention Organization..
2005 and 2010 Prize of best peer reviewed-publication (co-authored with P. Bergamaschi, R. Van Dingenen) of the Joint Research Centre (ca. 3000 employees research organisation).
2007: Nobel Peace Prize for IPCC- contribution as lead and contributing authors in various reports.
2010: Scientific Co-chair IGAC-CACGP conference Halifax, Canada.
2010: Nominated Lead Author forthcoming 5th IPCC report.
Publications:2010: (Co-) author on about 110 peer-refereed papers (see list of publications in Detailed CV). Hirsch factor: 43 (01.08.2010).