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iCACGP Commission Member | ||
National Center for Atmospheric Research | ||
Atmospheric Chemistry Division | ||
Fax | : +1-303-497-1492 |
1983 Van Mildert College, University of Durham, UK. B.Sc. (Honours) in Physics
1984 Department of Physics, University of Birmingham, UK. M.Sc. The Physics and Technology of Nuclear Systems Thesis title: "Ion beam width effects on the growth of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in inertial confinement fusion targets".
1987 Ph.D. Dense Plasma Physics Theory Thesis title: "Some theoretical studies on the implosion and fusion burn of heavyy ion beam driven inertial confinement fusion targets".
EMPLOYMENT & EXPERIENCE:Jun. 2000 to Present National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Scientist III and Group Leader, Atmospheric Chemistry Division: NASA Co-Investigator and NCAR Group Leader for the Terra/MOPITT satellite project. Management responsibilities for data processing, algorithm enhancement, data validation exercises and coordinating science investigations.
Research interests:Experience in the field of satellite remote sensing for atmospheric chemistry and dynamics includes contributions at every mission stage: science driven concept, instrument design, authoring science algorithms for data reduction, and scientific utilization of the measurements.
Journals Associate Editor of J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer.
Regular reviewer of manuscripts for journals and proposals for funding agencies.
Scientific Service:Science contact for users of the Terra/MOPITT data.
Providing radiation models for international community use, particularly the GENLN2 code. Involves help to users in terms of problem definition and general
support. GENLN2 is licensed by UCAR and has an international user group comprising government agencies, universities, and corporations, including NASA
centers, UK. Met. O, & ECMWF.
Awards & Recognition:NASA Cert. of Appreciation for service to Earth Science Enterprise
Lead author on publication nominated for the NCAR Distinguished Achievement Award
NASA GSFC Cert. of Recognition for Contributions to EOS Aura
NASA GSFC Group Achievement Award for Aura Team
NASA Group Achievement Award for Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment North America Science Team
NASA Group Achievement Award for Aura Project
Working Groups:International Radiation Commission:
Intercomparison of radiative transfer algorithms (ITRA)
Remote sounding of the Middle Atmosphere (RSMA)
NASA Atmospheric Composition Panel on Observation System
Simulation Experiments
Societies Member of the UK Institute of Physics
Fellow of the UK Royal Meteorological Society
Member of the American Geophysical Union
Education & Outreach:Scientific outreach for the MOPITT project
Story production for NASA's Earth Observer website
Ph.D. thesis committee member, Univ. of Granada, Spain
Co-supervisory responsibilities for Ph.D. students
EXTERNALLY FUNDED COLLABORATIONS:Principal Investigator: Measurement Characterization Study for the Retrieval of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide From Geo-Stationary Orbit, NASA Langley Research Center, 2006 - 2007.
Principal Investigator: TERRA/MOPITT Measurements of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide and Data Analysis in Support of INTEX-NA, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2005 - 2008.
Principle Investigator: Early Career Scientist and New Faculty Support for Attending the NCAR Community Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing From Space, NSF, 2006.
Principle Investigator: Early Career Scientist and New Faculty Support for Attending the NCAR Community Workshop on Air Quality Remote Sensing From Space, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2006.
Co-Investigator: Satellite and Ground-based Validation of TES Tropospheric CO Products, PI: Ben Ho, NCAR. NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2005 - 2008.
Principal Investigator: Measurement Characterization Study for the Retrieval of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide From Geo-Stationary Orbit. NASA Langley Research Center, 2004 - 2005.
Co-Investigator: Biomass Burning Emissions: An Innovative Technique for Assessing Global Climate Impacts, PI: Nicholas Jones, University of Wollongong, Australia, Australian Research Council, 2005- 2008.
Principal Investigator: Terra/MOPITT Measurements of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide in Support of INTEX, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2004.
Co-Investigator: The Successor to Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere MOPITT-2, PI: James R. Drummond, University of Toronto, Canada, Canadian Space Agency Advanced Studies Contract, 2003 - 2007.
Principal Investigator: Using Satellite Tropospheric Trace Gas Remote Sensing to Link Chemistry and Transport Between the Local and Global Scales, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2003 - 2006.
Co-Investigator: Team Leader Proposal for the Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Experiment, PI: John Gille, NCAR, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2004 - 2007.
Co-Investigator: European ICARTT Data Management, PI: Cathy Law, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France, CNRS, 2004.
Co-Investigator: Closing the Carbon Monoxide Budget: Variability in CO Emissions, PI: Louisa Emmons, NCAR, NASA Earth Science Enterprise, 2004 - 2007.
Visiting Professor, l'Obervatoire Midi-Pyrιnιes de Toulouse, France, Nov. 2001.
Principal Investigator: NASA/UARS Special Investigator, Development of a UARS/CLAES mode 3 data product and its scientific utilization, NASA Mission To Planet Earth, 1997 - 2000.
Science Manager: Reference forward model for the ESA/MIPAS instrument, PI: C. D. Rodgers, Oxford University, European Space Agency 1996.
Scientific Visiting Fellow: Development of a non-LTE model for the Earth's atmosphere, with M. Lσpez-Puertas, Instituto de Astrofνsica de Andalucνa, Scientific Research Council (CSIC), Spain, 1992.